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How to Get Relief

Why I choose a treatment

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After practicing for five years I have a pretty good feel and experience for what to do when. I thought it would be helpful to write a short piece on why.   Firstly, not all soft tissue is created equal. Soft tissue includes the muscles and tendons.  For muscle injuries I can introduce circulation more easily as compared to tendons. For the muscle belly I use gentle gliding and kneading… Read More »Why I choose a treatment

IT Band | Momentum Rehab

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What is it? Why should I care? The Iliotibial Band or IT band is very tendinous tisssue, stronger and tougher than muscle tissue and is found below the side of the hip (below the TFL muscle) and travels down the outside of the leg eventually blending with the structures above the knee. What does it do? The fibrous band straightens the knee, pulls the leg away from midline, rotates the… Read More »IT Band | Momentum Rehab

Migraines and Massage

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I had a client come in today thankfully not in pain but does suffer from migraines. I thought to myself that is one area I have not written about so what a great opportunity. So here it goes. This information comes from the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) from Peter Goadsby, M.D., who is a neurologist and headache specialist at the University of California San Francisco,

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Sciatica Prevention | Momentum Rehab

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Many clients have been dealing with low back and glute pain. I’ve noticed on almost all that there is knotted tissue from the SI joint down each side of the gluteal cleft. Usually accompanied by sensitivity. With massage and trigger point work the sensitivity abates and so does the pain. The work can take a couple of sessions to a bit more depending on how long the client has been… Read More »Sciatica Prevention | Momentum Rehab

ROCKTAPE Report Out | Momentum Rehab

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RockTape, the kinesio tape I use, along with Gua Sha, has delivered needed relief to many shoulder injuries I have dealt with over the past couple of months. I am expanding the program by offering a roll for $15.00 and free taping as long as the tape lasts. The tape decompressed the soft tissue providing pain relief and allowing more blood flow which speeds up recovery. I am also offering… Read More »ROCKTAPE Report Out | Momentum Rehab

ROCKTAPE and GuaSha | Momentum Rehab

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So I’ve been using RockTape and Gua Sha to assist with pain management. They are actually a great combo too. You can look at the slideshow above to see what RockTape and GuaSha look like. GuaSha as explained in an earlier blog removes scar and fibrotic tissue so healthier tissue can form. It’s the one of the first go to modalities when a client is in pain or has not… Read More »ROCKTAPE and GuaSha | Momentum Rehab

Kinesiology Taping | Momentum Rehab

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I attended a kinesio tape class put on by RockTape a special cotton and nylon athletic tape that provides support while allowing full range of motion. Kinesio tape was invented in the mid 1970s by Dr. Kenzo Kase, in Japan, with texture and elasticity that resembles human skin. You may have seen it on athletes during competitive event live or on TV. Now all populations are receiving the benefits of… Read More »Kinesiology Taping | Momentum Rehab

Radiating Upper Body Pain | Momentum Rehab

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An article in the March edition of Academy of Clinical Massage explores one of the more common reasons patients seek out a massage therapist in the article Massage Therapy and Brachial Plexus injury. Why is it important to find a therapist who is familiar with shoulder anatomy and treatment? There are a couple reasons. First, radiating shoulder pain and numbness often leads you to think the source is in the… Read More »Radiating Upper Body Pain | Momentum Rehab

Myofascial Techniques | Momentum Rehab

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[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”on” specialty=”off”][et_pb_fullwidth_menu global_parent=”529″ _builder_version=”3.0.89″ menu_id=”4″ use_background_color_gradient=”on” background_image=”” submenu_direction=”downwards” fullwidth_menu=”off” background_layout=”light” custom_padding=”||250px|” active_link_color=”#ffffff” menu_font_size=”18px” menu_text_color=”#006ac1″ border_color_bottom=”#ffffff” custom_margin=”|||NaNpx” saved_tabs=”all” /][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] In the September issue of Massage & Bodywork the technique article was about how to make Myofasical work more effective. Muscles ideally fire in a pattern with rapidity which can provide the tightening and pulling we need in order to move. Over time though, this pattern can lead… Read More »Myofascial Techniques | Momentum Rehab